Hey guys!
Well, I walked out this morning a little after 6am and looked into the sky to see Jupiter looking back at me!
So, what do you do when you see the largest planet in the solar system staring down at you? Get your telescope! What else?
After a few minutes of setup, and a few minutes longer trying to line up the iPhone in the viewfinder, and this is what I saw...

and here's the same pic with a filter...

Now, if you look closely to the lower left of Jupiter you can see the four Galilean moons. Starting from the outside and working your way back to the planet you can definitely see Callisto, Europa and Ganymede. If you squint just a little you can see the closest moon to Jupiter, Io.
What the pic doesn't show at all is that I was actually able to see two colored bands crossing the planet. That's right! I actually saw two of the bands (the colored stripes of the planets atmosphere) of Jupiter!
All in all, a very good morning and I just had to share. :)